Within the hair extension world, there are so many different methods and incredible artists making it hard to discover what the best option is for you.

Welcome to the world of NBR - Natural Beaded Rows.

NBR is a sew-in method using hand tied wefts and was specifically designed with fine/fragile hair in mind, making it one of the healthiest and undetectable methods on the market. Every step of the installation process is customized, keeping your head shape and hair type in mind ensuring your comfort.


  • Natural Beaded Row Hair Extensions are unique in many different ways. Each step of the process is customized to each and every client’s natural hair, as well as head shape. With NBR, the hair wefts are sewn into the track of string instead of being sewn into beads. This creates less opportunity for tension and discomfort during the install and while wearing the extensions.

  • As long as the extensions are installed properly and all at home care instructions are followed, they will not cause damage to your natural hair.

  • Timing can vary between 2-4 hours depending on how many rows you will need to create your end goal. Timing will be discussed during. your consultation.

  • Install:

    Hair extensions are an investment and can vary depending on your natural hair and your hair goals. The cost of hair and the installation can range from $900-$2500 and will be discussed further during your consultation.

    Move Ups:

    The cost of a move up will also vary depending on the number of rows you have. Move ups can rang from $165-$500.

  • Move ups are scheduled every 6-8 weeks.

  • You can schedule an NBR Extension Consultation with Brooke online or fill out the form on this page.